The ABCs of COVID is an abecedarium that lists and describes the different long-COVID symptoms that one can get the misfortune of getting. The book is meant to be placed in a doctor's office. With its illustration style and bold cover gaining the attention of any patients.
Click on each image to expand and learn more about each design.


Page F

Bus Ad mockup.

Instagram mockup.
An abecedarium is an alphabet book that lists letters in order. Often, these books have a design adorned onto the respective letter or a separate illustration is partnered with it. This style was used for its uncommon design, making it effective and unique enough to be memorable. Due to the square shape of the book, the illustrations worked perfectly for social media posts.

Rough sketch.

Line art.

Color fill.


For The ABCs of COVID, 26 illustrations had to be made in total; 1 for each long-COVID symptom. The process was broken up into small pieces in order to manage my time more efficiently. Every day, 6 rough sketches were made. The rough sketches take up the most time due to posing the character and making sure they represent their symptom the best way possible. This '6-a-day' method let me finish this long process in less than a week, make the next step easier, and open up time for other projects. The next step was the line-art, coloring, shading, and the background. Around 1-3 pages were finished a day. The last step was the text layout and filling in the symptoms and their descriptions.
Sketches & Research
Planning the layout was one of the more challenging aspects of the book. I ultimately decided to have the illustration have their own page due to their importance in depicting the symptoms. The more detailed, the better. Extensive research was done to determine which long-COVID symptom goes into the book. The hardest ones were the mostly the letters near the end, with Y being the hardest.