The Regeneron Calendar was made for new and current employees that emphasizes teamwork, kindness, and safety. The style of the calendar is based on the Atomic art style of the 40s and 60s.
Click on each image to expand and learn more about each design.

Janurary: 'Tis the Season of Slipping: This month emphasizes being vigilant of icy walkways.

February- Protect your Peepers: This month emphasizes the importance of wearing your safety goggles to protect your eyes from splashing chemicals.

March- Keep the Scene Clean: This month emphasizes the importance of keeping the workspace clean and organized.

April- Keep it Green: This month focuses on Earth Day and the importance of keeping the environment pure and clean.

May- Lifting's a Breeze when you Bend at the Knees: This month emphasizes the importance of bending at the knees when picking up heavy objects so as to not strain one's back.

June- We Speak Safety: This month emphasizes that safety is top priority at Regeneron.

July- Stay Alert so you Don't Get Hurt: This month emphasizes awareness when walking or biking down site roads.

August- Bet on Safety. Wear your PPE: This month emphasizes wearing all required PPE during your shift.

September- Sepawaste: This month emphasizes separating yor waste using the appropriate bin.

October- Complacency Can Creep up on You: This month emphasizes the dnagers of complacency and how it can lead to injury and other problems.

November- Kindness is contagious: This month emphasized being kind to one another and how it can spread to other groups...much like a virus.

December- Be Nice: This month acted more of a message to wrap up the end of the year. The black and red circles reference the Merrie-Melodies end card, signaling the end of the year.

Calendar Back: The back contains a situation tree, which tells the user on what to do if an incident occured.