Jasmine's Greenhouse is a company that sells exotic houseplants. Jasmine's Greenhouse prides itself on providing well-cared for houseplants and providing as many resources as they can to make sure the owner's plant is given the best care it can get.
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Jasmine's Greenhouse Moodboard. The tiger was chosen due to reflect the company's boldness as well as the colorful plants they sell. The colors were based off the Prayer Plant. A shiny-leafed plant with stripes akin to a tiger.

Plant Info Stakes. Each plant comes with a small identification tag that contains its names and quick care specifications.

Full Instagram Carousel Mockup 2

Instagram Carousel Mockup 2
Jasmine's Greenhouse App

Sketches for logo, word map, and a list for plant images and ID card requirements.
Jasmine's Greenhouse website rough design.