DNA, needle, immune system, DNA II.

Vaccine ingredients, "nutrition facts", immune system comic, ingredients and myths.

Biohazard misconception, vaccine diagram, bubble comic, DNA.

Immune system, DNA, Vaccine myths I and II.

Bubble misconception, needle drip, antibodies, dripping misinformation.

One panel immune system, DNA, mask, antibodies.

Antibody and cell closeup, timeline, DNA, comic.

Landscape see-through, 4-panel comic.
Before deciding to take the comic route, I came up with other more
traditional infographics. Some were more iconic, while others focused on the vaccine syringe or DNA strand. While I did like the DNA
one a lot, I thought it strayed too close to the myth/idea that vaccines change your DNA.
traditional infographics. Some were more iconic, while others focused on the vaccine syringe or DNA strand. While I did like the DNA
one a lot, I thought it strayed too close to the myth/idea that vaccines change your DNA.

This one was the second in line behind the final design. It follows more of a traditional infographic.

This design felt very unique but wasn't used due to the limitations for the typesetting.

This design is similar to the first one, except it is more detailed and follows the perspective of the white blood cell.

This design inspired the "plot" for the comic layout. I thought the panel layout was too uniform, which prevented this one for making the cut.

Bits and pieces of this layout was used for the final infographic, mainly the panel layout and "plot."

This is one of the more detailed versions of the 4-panel comic.
Beta Infographics
While I ended up doing a comic-based infographic, I was very close
to making one where all of the facts were placed in a scene where
the white blood cell was in the process of attacking (see third one,
top row). While I knew that the DNA one wouldn't work out,
I was curious as to what it would look like as a rough mockup.
to making one where all of the facts were placed in a scene where
the white blood cell was in the process of attacking (see third one,
top row). While I knew that the DNA one wouldn't work out,
I was curious as to what it would look like as a rough mockup.
I took elements from a few of these mockups for the final.
For instance, the 2nd one on the bottom was used as the overall plot/idea for the comic. As for color, the third one on the
bottom's palette was used.
For instance, the 2nd one on the bottom was used as the overall plot/idea for the comic. As for color, the third one on the
bottom's palette was used.