The goal of this project was to choose a movie and to either make our own title scene or re-imagine the original one. I chose the original ALIEN (1979) film. The environment was created in Photoshop and exported into After Effects. I was inspired by the original's single image panning, as it gave a sense of dread to the film. Instead of panning to the side, I wanted to zoom in to a dark hall with dysfunctional lights and rustling pipes.
Click on each image below to expand and learn more about each sketch.


Mini wordmap/Animation ideas.

Storyboard 1 (used). I enjoyed the idea of the camera slowly zooming in as lights and fog appeared while the credits were playing.

Storyboard 2. This one was supposed to show the side of the Nostromo's wall decaying, becoming more grotesquely organic. This was inspired by the Alien's design, as the xenomorph itself has a mix of industrial and organic design to it. I also wanted to reference the fact that the alien is everywhere, blending into the scenery when you don't even realize it. Afterall, the fact that you can't see the monster is what made Alien so scary when it came out.

Main hallway chunk. Making this chunk took around 1-2 hours.

Complete Hallway planning. Since the hallways had the same look and style in the movie, this chunk was copy/pasted to complete the scene.

Hallway chunk part 1 (solid color).

Hallway chunk part 2 (shading)

Hallway Completed: Style frame.